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  • Foot Detoxification

Ionic Aqua Foot Detox

A Safe and Effective Way to Rebalance Your Energy Fields

Is your body stressed or out of balance? Modern day living, including hectic work schedules, poor diet, and lack of exercise, can introduce toxins into your system. This causes an imbalance in the natural energy within your cells – which, in turn, can disrupt normal body functions like absorbing nutrients and excreting waste.

Julia’s Health & Nutrition offers expert foot detoxification services that help restore your natural energy balance and release toxins. The result of our ionic aqua foot detox soak is an increase in energy level and a general sense of well-being.

How It Works

Our ionic foot detox utilizes the esteemed Aqua Detox™ method that has been popular in Europe for over 20 years. This treatment is targeted at the feet, which contain over 4000 pores through which toxins can be excreted. The detox is conducted through the placement of the feet in a bath of lukewarm water. A small amount of salt is added to aid conductivity. When the system is switched on, a series of positive and negative ions (electrons) is released into the water. The body then absorbs these ions, and a natural rebalancing of cells takes place.

What makes our ionic foot detox soaks even more enjoyable is the array of colors present during the treatment. While you are relaxing, the water will immediately start to change color as millions of ions enter your body and begin to neutralize tissue acid wastes.

Is Aqua Foot Detox Safe?

Although the treatment is perfectly safe for most people, there are three categories of people who should not use aqua detox: those with pacemakers, those who suffer from epilepsy, and pregnant women.

If you are ill, you may experience a bit of fatigue following treatment. This occurs because the body uses its newfound energy to shift into healing mode. A feeling of invigoration often follows as toxins are released.

Most clients experience no side effects and report an immediate improvement in physical and mental health.

Is It Scientifically Proven?

The Aqua Detox™ system was developed by Dr. Royal R. Rife in the 1930s. It utilizes a certified medical device that has been rigorously tested and passed under the MDD (Medical Device Directive) in Europe.

What Are the Benefits of Foot Detoxification?

There are several benefits to our foot detoxification services:

  • Pure Mind

    Our foot detox soak benefits not only the physical body, but also the mind. A sense of calmness and purity is experienced after the body is cleansed of toxins.

  • More Energy

    By reducing the workload of the body’s natural detoxification system, we free up more energy for daily activities.

  • Healthier Body

    Because the detox leaves your body cleansed and free of toxins, you will more effectively be able to fight chronic, degenerative diseases. Significant physical benefits include fewer allergies, stronger immunity, fewer aches and pains, and naturally healthier skin and hair.

How Many Treatments Should I Get?

It is recommended that clients begin with a minimum of six treatments a month. This ensures that the majority of toxins are released in the initial stage and the benefits are felt sooner. The frequency of treatments depends on the patient’s own view of his or her general health.


Our ionic foot detox services are performed right here in our Lancaster County, PA shop by trained professionals.

Contact us today for more information!